Our Handmade Story

My soap-making journey started in 2013/4 after I fell in love with handmade soaps. I learned how to make my own but back then it was plain bars just for family use. In 2018, i quit my corporate job in Medical Management to be a SAHM and had more time to experiment - I started trying out different formulas and refining my 'soap art' skills. Close family & friends (those that i gift soaps to) often commented that I should start selling and that was how Little Lamb Soapworks came about.

Why 'Little Lamb Soapworks'?

While i'm the soaper, i've 3 nearest and dearest lambs (all born in the year of the goat) who support me in my soaping endeavour. Papa lamb (my husband & partner in life) is my soap tester and IT and media support, Sister lamb, also my soap tester for eczema/sensitive skin and social media advisor and lastly little lamb, my 6yo son (as at 2021) who will tell me 'Mama, i like your soaps, it's pretty' whenever he sees me whipping out a new bar to trial test.

About my soaps

I formulate and make soaps that I myself love to use with inputs from my lambs - Papa lamb likes nicely coloured soaps (not those plain brown ones please), sister lamb likes hers rustic (because then it's handmade) and little lamb likes his rainbow coloured. So, I do also use mica colours and fragrances in my soaps as using a pretty bar of soap that smells fab makes me happy. I just make sure that the colours and fragrances I use are from reputable premium soaping supply companies whose products are certified skin safe and paraban/phthalate free. I import my colours and fragrance direct from the US.

While the majority of my soaps are coloured and scented, I do have a small selection for customers that prefer 100% percent natural handcrafted soap. In general, this range is smaller as 100% natural does mean I am limited as to what I can include in my soaps while ensuring that my soaps still look, feel and smell good. Sometimes, natural soaps may not smell as pleasing as one would imagine: I've tried making soap with Neem Oil - it smells like peanut butter! Truly, and I do wonder, would anyone want to lather up with soap that smells like peanut butter. Would you? (I still have my peanut-butter smelling Neem Oil soap sitting on my shelf as i am typing this).

About my bath time treats

Cliche but true - these came about as a means to keep my son entertained during the great pandemic 'lockdown'. We would setup an inflatable pool on most weekends and asides from water guns, bath bombs with its spinning and twirling colours and bubble bars for the crazy bubbles it produces kept the little one entranced. As with my soaps, the colours and fragrances used are certified skin safe and paraban, phathalate & SLS free.

I hope the above gives you an idea of my handcrafting philosophy and if you do see something you like on my page but have questions, do drop me a message me. I would be happy to answer them.